Yes, we ship worldwide and it’s 100% free!
Orders are shipped out directly from any of our many domestic & international warehouses and they will do everything they can to get you your order as fast as they can! All of our products are processed within 1-3 business days. However, during peak times, such as holiday seasons, processing might take longer. During these difficult times with the Covid-19 situation,Please know that after the item has been processed, please allow an estimated (minimum) 12 days and a (maximum) 30-45 days for your order to arrive to the USA (varies from product to product). Other countries can take an estimated (minimum) 3 weeks up to 2 months in worst cases (varies from product to product) due to Covid-19, distance traveling and customs. Please note, that due to the extreme popularity of our products, these are only estimates.
We will send you an email with your tracking number once your goods are shipped and completed from our side. Then you can track your shipment status on by copying the tracking number provided to https://parcelsapp.com/en
You can also check the Track your Order Page for the tracking number. You will find a Button that says “Track”. You can either click it or go to ParcelsApp website and paste your tracking number there if it didn’t work.
We will send you an email with your tracking number once your goods are shipped and completed from our side. Then you can track your shipment status on by copying the tracking number provided to https://parcelsapp.com/en
You can also check the Track your Order Page for the tracking number. You will find a Button that says “Track”. You can either click it or go to ParcelsApp website and paste your tracking number there if it didn’t work.
In accordance with our buyer protection and refund policy, we will issue a refund if you don’t receive your item after 60 days from your purchase. If your item arrives damaged due to delivery handling, we will replace the damaged item with no extra costs on your part. Please read more at returns page.
We accept PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, and Discover.
If you have a multi-item order, each item may be shipped from a different international warehouse, depending on which one has them available the fastest. Alternatively, if an item is popular and on a bit of a back order, we might ship your items at different times, in different packages, to prevent holding up your order and to get it to you as fast as possible!
The prices displayed on our site are tax-free in USD, which means you may be liable to pay for duties and taxes once you receive your order. Import taxes, duties and related customs fees may be charged once your order arrives to its final destination, which are determined by your local customs office. Payment of these charges and taxes are your responsibility and will not be covered by us. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country. For further details of charges, please contact your local customs office.
Please note that we generally do not allow order cancellations after payment has been made. You may however request a change in item after placing your order (eg, If you want a different size or color of the same item). Please contact our customer service immediately using the contact us page before we ship out your items.
Yes, you will receive a tracking number when we ship out your items for you to track your item in real time via PayPal.
It takes approximately 2-5 business days to receive a tracking number for your item.
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